Home Industry Trends Zvei: «The electro and digital industries stand ready to support Europe on its way to technological leadership»

Zvei: «The electro and digital industries stand ready to support Europe on its way to technological leadership»

by Homeland Life

Zvei, the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association expressed satisfaction for the update of the European strategy first presented last year, with the goal of shaping the green and digital transformation from a leading position on a global scale.

«Europe’s best answer to the globally increasing competition of systems is to take action itself and strengthen the European economy – said Wolfgang Weber, ceo of Zvei -. Therefore, the ambition of the EU Commission to build a stronger single market, invest in key technologies and enhance an open and trade-based economy is a good sign for a technologically sovereign and globally competitive Europe, in the context of Europe’s new industrial strategy. However, European companies now need concrete goals, actions and commitment for the much-needed investments. The strategy is clear. Yet, specific steps for implementation clearly defined in terms of time are missing, which have to follow quickly.»

The Association considers positive that the industrial strategy highlights the importance to address key technologies, while at the same time it safeguards the open, competitive and trade-based EU-economy. «To strengthen the resilience of Europe’s industry – adds Weber – the three proposed IPCEI’s for microelectronics, next-generation cloud and hydrogen need now swift implementation. The electro and digital industries stand ready to support Europe on its way to technological leadership and globally competitive industrial ecosystems.»

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