Home Market Consumers The TechPro Academy of Arctic for the employees’ training

The TechPro Academy of Arctic for the employees’ training

by Homeland Life

An interesting training initiatives for the employees is that started last year by Arctic, one of the main Romanian home appliance manufacturers, which created the TechPro Academy. Developed in collaboration with Koç University in Turkey and Valahia University in Targoviste, it proposes a calendar of technical on-line courses for the Arctic workers, using a methodology based on a specific learning and development experience, similar to an academy. The trainers are professors who teach in the two partner universities, and the courses are held exclusively on-line. This educational project, launched last September, allows partecipants to follow courses on current technical topics.
Owning the largest home appliance factory in continental Europe, with the Gaesti unit producing up to 36 million refrigerators to date, Arctic also owns an Industry 4.0 factory in Romania in Ulmi, Dambovita, with a production capacity of 2.2 millions units per year.
With a history of almost half a century, Arctic has been part of the Arçelik group since 2002.
The first beneficiaries of the academy’s courses were approximately 140 Arctic employees, having a technical profile: managers, specialists and experts from the two factories and supply chain. The TechPro Academy curriculum is adapted to the needs of Arctic employees, and the addressed topics focus on the latest technological innovations and automation processes, which underlie the principles of Industry 4.0 – the fourth industrial revolution.
«The launch of TechPro Academy is another proof of the concern we have for the professional development of employees, education being, in fact, one of the priorities of our company. I support such initiatives dedicated to the specialization of people, which offers them a real learning experience and, at the same time, ensures their contribution to the development of Romania’s competitive sectors in the current economic context. I want to thank for the involvement of the two higher education institutions, Koç University and Valahia University» – stated Murat Büyükerk, Chief Executive Officer Arctic.
TechPro Academy is a long-term initiative through which Arctic invests in the training of its employees. In 2021, the number of courses will increase, so that all employees with a technical profile can benefit from development opportunities. The academy was born as an extension of the partnership that Arçelik group has with Koc University in Turkey, and for Arctic this project is part of the long-term strategy of collaboration and mutual support with Valahia University – Targoviste.

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